

Minimally Invasive Fibroid Treatment

This procedure is for pre-menopausal women (typically younger than 55 years old) who are tired of living with the ongoing pain and discomfort of fibroids and are looking for a minimally invasive option that allows them to keep their uterus and return to daily life quickly after the procedure.

A uterus can have fibroids and still be healthy. The truth is 70% of women have fibroids. When fibroids cause disruptive symptoms, women have options.

Acessa is a treatment for benign (non-cancerous) symptomatic fibroids. If patients are at risk for cancer, or malignancy, Acessa is not the appropriate treatment. 

How does the procedure work?

  • The clinical terminology for the procedure is Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation (Lap RFA) for fibroids.
  • The Acessa procedure typically takes between 90 to 120 minutes depending on the size, location, and number of fibroids. 
  • Fibroids are heated, using radiofrequency ablation, to the point where they are destroyed and are no longer the consistency of a fibroid. The heat denatures the proteins inside the fibroid cells.
  • After being heated they go from the consistency of a hard baseball to a soft marshmallow.
  • The change in the consistency to a soft marshmallow and gradual shrinkage is what creates the relief from the fibroid symptoms. 
  • When the heated tissue shrinks into the marshmallow the reduced cells typically get recycled into the body. This is the same natural process the body uses when recovering from a scab.  
  • There is no incision within the uterus which allows the physician to spare the healthy tissue. 
  • This procedure can also be used in conjunction with other procedures such as a myomectomy and endometrial ablation. 

What are the results of Acessa?

  • Addresses nearly all symptoms such as excessive bleeding, prolonged periods, urinary frequency, painful sex, stomach, lower-back and pelvic pain. Individual results vary based. 
  • In clinical studies, there was an average shrinkage of 45% in fibroid size post-procedure. This number is contingent on where the fibroid is located and the size. 
  • Women typically see the most symptom improvement within 3 months of the procedure with continued improvement throughout the first year. 
  • Studies have shown both clinically and statistically significant reduction in period blood loss.  
  • Significant reduction in fibroid and uterine volume. 


of women had lighter periods


patient satisfaction rate


of patients required additional reintervention after the Acessa procedure.

best fibroid treatments


Vs. Hysterectomy
Acessa keeps your uterus and has a quicker recover and less scars, however, hysterectomy is a definitive treatment, so after recovery, there is no chance fibroid symptoms will return.

Vs. Myomectomy
Acessa is typically considered less invasive than a myomectomy, even a robotic myomectomy, because there is less blood loss during the procedure, less scars and no cutting and suturing of uterine tissue. Also, for patients with multiple, small fibroids, physicians often note that Acessa can be a more accurate procedure because it utilizes an ultrasound to find and target fibroids whereas most myomectomies the surgeon is only using his or her eyes. However, because myomectomies remove the fibroid right away, patients with larger fibroids may experience quicker relief from bulking than with Acessa, which can take longer to shrink fibroids

Acessa is typically considered by gynecologists a less invasive procedure than UAE because it does not require an overnight stay in the hospital and typically patients report less post operative pain, however, Acessa does require general anesthesia and incisions in the abdomen, whereas UAE does not always require anesthesia nor as visible incisions

Vs. Hysteroscopic options (GEA, hysteroscopic myomectomy, transcervial RFA)
Acessa is typically considered a more comprehensive treatment option for fibroids because the procedure is performed laparoscopically, through the stomach, vs. through the cervix, which allows surgeons to target fibroids all around the uterus, however, hysteroscopic options can be quicker and comprehensive for patients which fibroids that are closer to or in the uterine cavity

fibroid health

What is a fibroid?

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow from the muscle tissue of the uterus.

What are the different types of fibroids?

Intramural fibroids: These are the most common type of fibroids. Intramural fibroids appear in muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb.

Subserosal fibroids: form on the outside of your uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.

Pedunculated Fibroids: Subserosal tumors can develop a stem, a slender base that supports the tumor. When they do, they’re known as pedunculated fibroids.

Submucosal Fibroids: These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer, or myometrium, of your uterus. Submucosal tumors aren’t as common as the other types.

What causes fibroid symptoms?

Fibroid symptoms are often caused by the consistency, size, and location of the fibroid.

What are the symptoms for fibroids?

Women experience a variety of symptoms from fibroids that can become extremely debilitating and affect their everyday lives. Symptoms such as heavy and painful periods, periods lasting longer than 7+ days, stomach, lower-back, and pelvis pain, stomach protrusion which causes women to look pregnant when they aren’t, anemia, infertility, painful sex, urinary frequency, and G.I. issues like gas and constipation.

How often do fibroids cause symptoms?

Between 15-30% of women experience severe pain and discomfort daily from their fibroids.

What is the average age of women with fibroids?

Women are typically between the ages of 35-55 when they develop fibroids. (7) Though this is the most common age, women can develop fibroids at any stage of their life.

Is there external scars?

There are three incisions, one in the belly button, which typically does not leave a scar, one above the bikini line, and one small incision that does not typically leave a scar by the bikini line.


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I’m interested, Where can I learn more?

Call to schedule an appointment today!

Acessa Health does not make any recommendations, referrals, or endorsements regarding specific physicians with whom patients may seek treatment, nor does this site serve as a tool for verification of a specific surgeon’s credentials, qualifications, or abilities. Only a trained physician is qualified to recommend treatments and/or make diagnoses. You assume full responsibility for your communications and interactions made with any physician you choose to contact from the use of this website. 

Acessa is cleared by the FDA for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids. There are risks associated with all minimally invasive surgical procedures, including serious complications such as infection, bowel injury, and postoperative bleeding. Insufficient data exist on which to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Acessa procedure in women who plan future pregnancy. Therefore, the Acessa procedure is not recommended for women who are planning future pregnancy. Please consult with an Acessa-trained gynecologist to understand the risks of surgery and find out if Acessa may be right for you.

“A new treatment to help women avoid hysterectomy.”